Back at it with the RSM250


JoePa lives on!!!
Staff member
How’s the tank maturing? Clowns look great and they too were the first fish in my tank.

if you’re looking to seed, check out indo pacific sea farms…….. not a bad pack to add to a new tank


Active Member
Hey, sorry for the lack of updates lots has been going on.
Tank is looking great! Currently I have the two clowns, pajama Cardinal, conch, snails etc.

At this point I'm just letting it do its thing, taking my time this time around and not rushing into it. Just testing every few days, changing out floss and the skimmer and my weekly WC.

Next week I am going to rent a Par meter, get some refills for my Hanna checkers and start checking the alk, Mag, Cal etc in the tank and get ready for some corals :).

Heading out of town for a few days so I really hope my wife can help me out with a few of the tasks :fingerscrossed:


JoePa lives on!!!
Staff member
Letting it get stable is a good thing, let all that micro life grow.

pics when you get back!


Active Member
Back from my trip and everything looked great. Im not sure what changed over night though because my black clown was not doing good the next morning. It was just gasping for air at the bottom of the tank, slowly moving from hiding spot to hiding spot.

I checked my levels, everything was exactly how it's been for the last three months, and the other two fish seem fine. Orange clown was even trying to save his buddy (sad to watch).

Unfortunately lost it about 24 hours later. I followed up with my weekly water change as I would have and the other two fish plus cuc remain happy.


Active Member
Nope, no spots, belly from air or fluids. Looked perfect besides just gasping..

Tank still looks good ATM and everything else is still happy. I'll just assume it was a one off.

Heading away again so hopefully no issues this time around..


Active Member
Hey everyone, hope you are all doing well.

Got a quick question about green/blue chromis. My lfs told me they will just kill each other if I get them, but I've also seen them in so many tanks.

If anyone has suggestions or experience please let me know :)


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, hope you are all doing well.

Got a quick question about green/blue chromis. My lfs told me they will just kill each other if I get them, but I've also seen them in so many tanks.

If anyone has suggestions or experience please let me know :)
My experience. You may start with say six of them. That will remain stable for say 10 months, then one will die. The next death will be about two months later, and then the time between deaths will shorten as the numbers decrease the aggression towards the remaining numbers is compressed. I believe that they will only thrive if you have a school of say twenty, as the aggression is then spread out. I wouldn't stock them again.


Active Member
Thanks everyone, I decided to pass on them. They are cool to look at, but I don't want to deal with them dying.

On another note, how does everyone feed their fish when they go on vacation? I'll try to get someone to come by, but not sure if that's going to be possible. I've been looking into smart power bars + auto feeders and so far that seems to be my best option.


Active Member
So this time around I'm testing A LOT more vs last time. My nitrates and phosphates seem low vs what others post.. should I be worried, make some changes add some pods?

Salinity: 1.025-1.026 - refractometer
Nitrate: 1.3 PPM - Hanna checker
Phosphate: 0.03 PPM - Hanna checker
PH: 8.1-8.2 - API test kit

I have three fish still, a sand sifting star fish, bunch of snails.

Tank is 5 months at this point, and I do weekly 15% water changes.

Thanks in advance!
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Well-Known Member
I wouldn’t be concerned for the PO4, the nitrates are low. But that doesn’t mean the tank is not healthy.


Active Member
So I just did another test, been about two weeks since last WC so figured it was a good time.. I'm stumped..

No2/3 = 0
Po4 = 0
Ph = 8.2
Salinity= 1.024/5
Temp = 78

I feed them pellets and frozen every day or every other day.. my skimmer kinda sucks tbh so I don't think it's that pulling anything.. I also don't want to dose if I can avoid it..

My sand sifting star fish may or may not be dead (waiting to see if it moves tonight). I'm not sure if my levels are the reason.

I also leave in a week for 8 days so this is all happening at the worst moment...

Help :(


Active Member
So update, starfish and fish are all good.

I'll grab some stability and do a 10% WC tomorrow. I can even possibly do another WC on Monday (or is that too soon?). After that I won't be home until the 29th.

Thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
Just my opinion, but have you looked at never doing water changes? I ran my S-650 successfully without water changes. I added all the necessary elements as needed every week. Fresh water is added via the ATO. The only time I conducted a water change was to clean the Sump once a year !
It saves a lot of time and money, plus it is really helpful towards the 'stability' issue as every time you conduct a water change you risk upsetting the stability.
As I said, just my opinion.