Recent content by YNot

  1. Y

    Fluval Sea Marine 3.0 into a RSM 250 hood?

    Well.... I got tired of waiting and a bit impatient and went ahead and bought the Fluval Sea Marine 3.0. Just for chits and grins, I placed it over the tank. Set the sunrise, daytime and sunsets to my liking. So far, it's a rocking light.My softies responded positively almost instantly. I'm...
  2. Y

    Fluval Sea Marine 3.0 into a RSM 250 hood?

    I've searched (perhaps not well) but I did not find anything about anyone putting a Fluval Sea Marine 3.0 into the hood of a RSM 250 hood. I need to replace my T5s and would like to go the LED route this time around. At the moment, I've got some softies and a few fish. The tank has been up and...
  3. Y

    HELP please! Red Sea Max 250

    Good job Mark! That's the one that I recall seeing a while back. :thumber:
  4. Y

    HELP please! Red Sea Max 250

    If the left side fans are working, chances are it's not a fuse. You could try bumping them with a small stick. Either they have failed or something is coming in contact with them causing them not to spin. Bumping them might get them going again and if there is something contacting them, you...
  5. Y

    How often do you guys adjust your skimmers?

    I turn off all flow while target feeding the non-photosynthetic corals like the Sun corals. I've also adjusted the stock air flow valve that comes on the stock skimmer to the half way point. I learned one day that by turning it all the way in either direction will cut off the air flow and that...
  6. Y

    C-250 + Apex Aquacontroller..

    Absolutely. I used my power center for about a week until I got the Apex in place and configured. Since then, it's been nothing more than a power strip sitting in the corner, looking all sad because it's not getting used for anything.
  7. Y

    GFI question regarding your RSM tanks...

    Is your GFI the type that are mounted within the wall like a standard outlet or is it the extension cord type? Regardless, most GFIs are 15amp and 20 amp. You might need to change to a 20 amp rated GFI. Or if you have the extension cord type, get another and use one for the lights and the...
  8. Y

    Mark's Red Sea Max 250 Adventure

    Not trying to jack your thread but here's mine. It's got wavy stuff.
  9. Y

    Mark's Red Sea Max 250 Adventure

    Those will bite the crap out of your fingers. They work, really, really well. I place a towel on the outside one just to smooth out and lessen the attraction. Good piece you've got there.
  10. Y

    Mark's Red Sea Max 250 Adventure

    First off, the tank is ROCKING!! Looks great. I too have a chiller on my 250. Between the lights, the chiller and the large flat screen TV, we have a whole lot of heat generating devices sitting in the living room. I'm not sure if this is possible in your case, but it worked out...
  11. Y

    Mark's Red Sea Max 250 Adventure

    The skimmer air valve is a tricky bugger. There something about it that is not in the owners manual and is only discovered by a few, while cleaning the skimmer. The valve is fully closed when turned all the way in either direction. Fully open when it's somewhere in between full clockwise...
  12. Y

    ATO question

    It only fluctuates if/when one or more of the pumps are turned off. If all the pumps are running, the level remains rather consistent.
  13. Y

    ATO question

    Yes indeed. The far left fluctuates WAAY more than any of the other chambers. You want to put the ATO sensor somewhere that the water level fluctuations are kept to a minimum. The skimmer or the far right chambers are the most stable. While there is still fluctuations, it's far less dramatic...
  14. Y

    RSM 250, Replacing the 1200l/h pump and algae issues

    Yes. IMO, yes. Here's a great demo as to why:
  15. Y

    RSM 250, Replacing the 1200l/h pump and algae issues

    No idea on this either. I've never used a sponge of any sort.