Recent content by xspeedrj

  1. X

    Water tests... dKh Paranoia?

    I thought he was indicated that I was claiming it has a lasting effect. My experience with buffers is exactly that. It can effect other parameters but only within the range it was designed and may not have a permanent effect.
  2. X

    Water tests... dKh Paranoia?

    TylerHaworth: Guess I should qualify all my statements. Nothing is absolute and water chemistry is a complex topic. I myself do not have a scientific background. Boomer is right to say nothing is a steady state in an aquarium. Early on in the building of one of my tanks I took the advice...
  3. X

    Water tests... dKh Paranoia?

    Boomer: I was not implying that the steady state of baking soda will be steady in a reef system. I understand its temporary effect when added to an aquarium, nor was I suggesting using a dKh buffer to affect PH. If you look at my reply I indicated that it should not affect PH in any...
  4. X

    Water tests... dKh Paranoia?

    BlakeJohn: I believe you are incorrect. "Buffer" by definition is specific to the PH and KH range for which it was designed. Like baking soda has a natural steady state of PH.
  5. X

    dying fish

    1027 seems high to me. What are your other parameters? PH and KH specifically. I wouldn't care as much with Mag and Cal with fish...
  6. X

    Water tests... dKh Paranoia?

    Most buffers won't affect PH unless it is out of whack.
  7. X

    Water tests... dKh Paranoia?

    It seems to be within the lower range.....have you considered adding KH buffer? Have you checked your Mg?
  8. X

    Aquarium decorations

    Use a mix. I have live rock with dry rock that has begun turning into live rock. I also use plastic pieces to fill in areas that I fear are too dangerous for lots of heavy rocks or just want to add texture or color to. Do what you want! The beauty of plastic is that it is light and doesn't...
  9. X


    Mysis and brine have different nutrient qualities. From what I've heard Mysis is a more complete feed, but more of my fish prefer brine. I always start with brine with new fish and slowly introduce a more diverse diet from there.
  10. X


    QTs are for plebeians. I use SHEAR mind power to control Ich! And all other diseases! :poke:
  11. X


    I think you've got it covered. You may want to add live brine or frozen into the mix though. Amost forgot. All my clowns, in all my tanks like New Life Spectrum - Marine Fish Formula. The best part is any tiny sinking pellet that makes it to the bottom, crabs, nassarius or shrimp devour. A...
  12. X

    Creating a home for nemo

    Skimmers take quite a while to break-in. Days sometimes. Just make sure you are not over skimming to compensate just to produce something.
  13. X

    HELP ME... im an idiot

    Flip the circuit breaker before you remove the powerstrip. No need to electrocute yourself. Run extension cords from all the nearest outlets and prioritize the crucial systems. Filtration, then temp.....light and powerheads can be off for a time until you can buy another powerstrip.
  14. X

    Fish compatibilty

    I have an Orchid Dottyback in a 46 bow with a Neon Goby and a aggression, but I added the Dottyback last. My 210 gal has an Orchid Dottyback with a Citrinus Clown Goby and two Blue Gudgeon issues there either. But again, I added the Dottyback last. Although I...
  15. X

    starting my FOWLR tank

    Clean-up Crew: No hermit crabs. Crabs, especially hermit crabs, are not conducive to an aquarium life unless that is all you'd like to keep. I don't agree with this. Absolutes are for those persons that are too assumptious for their own good. Rubbish all around!