Recent content by NanaReefer

  1. NanaReefer

    Reef Central Ban

    I got banned for promoting a light that they banned the vendor...only I didn't know the vendor was banned...I was just recommending the unit I bought and love. I didn't even get a warning!
  2. NanaReefer

    Power outage ?

    Without a generator? Plenty of make up water. Battery powered air pumps, lots of blankets or...
  3. NanaReefer

    Flow flow flow?

    What would you use and where would you place them in this 40B tank?
  4. NanaReefer

    Video: Hermit Crabs Distributing Eggs

    Ok that was a first for me, totally awesome!! Thank you for sharing [emoji7]
  5. NanaReefer

    ID please

    Silicates are in EVERYTHING! Sand, plastic, glass, water just to name a few. Old RO/DI filters, new pump added, water storage containers, new dry uncured rock added. If you've done any of these, can cause a Diatom bloom. Even disturbing your SB can cause one.
  6. NanaReefer

    Orange rust looking stuff on glass(algae?)

    Disagree with doing water changes. Best wait until cycling is completely done. Does look to be Diatoms. Also there's no need to be running your lights during this time. Just invites unwanted algae growth.
  7. NanaReefer

    Coralline algae suddenly doesnt look so good

    Yuppers! Water change level showing. Exposing it to air for to long.
  8. NanaReefer

    New Rust Coloured Algae

    It's a diatom bloom. Most likely caused by your water source. You could always use a a product like PhosGaurd which aids in the removal of Silicates, the primary cause of Diatoms.
  9. NanaReefer

    Ammonia Spike

    What is your source of water?
  10. NanaReefer

    HOB Skimmer for a 50gal Tank

    Reef Octopus BH-2000 gets my vote. Ran the BH-1000 for 2yrs on my 26g (bit overkill) but awesome skimmer none the less. Best part, external pump. No heat transference and no bulky pump taking up much need realestate :)
  11. NanaReefer

    Help. Corals shriveled up after water change

    How fast are you adding new mix back into your DT? Sounds like a case of shock to me. See it all the time. Corals get use to water one way, then it's quickly changed (even small changes) can/will surprise the life right out of them. Then they need time to recover.
  12. NanaReefer

    New Rust Coloured Algae

    Check your water source? May be introducing Silicates, causing diatom bloom. Especially if your adding new mix directly into the DT.
  13. NanaReefer


    Flame Angels