Recent content by domsriltz123

  1. D

    Just set up tank, cloudy water...HELP

    IMO, its nothing serious, just the sand not settled yet. Just take it slow and stop worrying about it.
  2. D

    gumboot chiton

    Oh my they are hungry...
  3. D

    black damsel hosting a rbta!!!!!

    I have 3 tiny domino damsels, one of them tries to host my bubble tip everytime the clown leaves the GBTA, he will race up there and try to host it till he is kicked out again . I can tell its the same one each time too
  4. D

    anemone for tank bred clowns??

    I have a TR percula that has hosted on a BTA just make sure you can support a nem with your lighting. Made that mistake before my upgrades.
  5. D

    Bubble Tip Anemone Under PC Light ??

    I had an rbta under pc's for 2+ years. A decent t5 setup is more than enough for bubble tip anemones.