Recent content by Diverjohn

  1. D

    Show off you Chalices!!!

    Here are 2 of mine. Nathan's Chalice Mystery Chalice
  2. D

    Looking for id

    It looks like it could be some sort of favia.
  3. D

    Coral suggestions please

    Nice aqua scape. You have lots of options with all the different areas. I'd look at some acans and favias as there are lots of color choices for both.
  4. D

    Why do you do it?

    I started in after scuba diving and wanting a bit of ocean in the winter in Indiana. It's better then looking at pictures of the ocean. Thankfully my wife enjoys them, even if I give her grief about not having the time to take care of them as I should. She has done a lot of the fragging and...
  5. D

    becomming a purist because of my system

    Most friends and family that come over and look in the tanks ask if the coral is actually alive and growing. Then I have an uncle that has a tank come visit and he just goes crazy, but he has someone take care of the tank. So when I offer coral for his tank he gets excited but then realizes he...
  6. D

    New tank or week vacation?

    For me it depends. Some days new tank other days vacation. My wife says vacation, so that's what happens. However, we go diving so I usually come back with more ideas for the tanks. Of course I usually find some new critters or coral that I would like to have.
  7. D

    Diving Bucket List

    I do business with a company in Cebu, but my company won't let me go there. I think it's cause they know I will spend a few days diving!
  8. D

    Frag Tank Conversion.

    I took a 55gal acrylic and modified it to sit on the original front pane. I cut out the old back and used those pieces to cover over the original top. I could still use the original holes in the top for plumbing and now have a frag tank that is 48 x 20 x 12 deep. Granted it might not look...
  9. D

    Diving Bucket List

    I most def will. Last year when I was there i found some ricordias and zoas at about 20'. I will have to get some posted from previous trips to Curaçao and Cozumel.
  10. D

    Diving Bucket List

    Oxy, my wife and I were looking at Belize for this fall, but went with Roatan as a group of our friends are going. I have heard mixed reviews on Belize diving. We have access to a condo on Ambergris Caye, so the reefs you mentioned are a slight boat ride away, I believe.
  11. D

    Diving Bucket List

    So what would be some places that are on people's diving bucket list? Personally I think my biggest ones would be Wakatobi and Truk Lagoon. There are numerous others on my list but those are the biggest. John
  12. D

    Chalice Growth

    I have bought plenty from Tidal Gardens. Than is a great guy and the selection is great. If you ever have the chance stop in and visit his greenhouse. It really is an amazing set up and has a lot more selection than on the site.
  13. D

    Dont Let your Guard Down!!!! ...bzzzz...bzzzzz

    You would understand why things don't last if you have ever seen a Chinese factory!
  14. D

    Chalice Growth

    I'd like to see one of those while diving!
  15. D

    Feeding Acans

    Gun scope lens! Classic! That does explain a lot.